Israel Air Force from 1948 to this day

Greeting, As the name suggest this is a full potential tree mockup to show how Israeli air tree could look like if all vehicle were to be added. 

*Important to note that the battle ratings of Ranks VIII+ are subject to change, as they are decided according to my subjective opinion. if you do not agree with my concept, then please suggest solutions. Also, if you know about the aircrafts that I might have missed, you can contact me on the Discord server listed below in credits section.  -Merkko

__________ Credits __

Before proceeding to the description of the tree, I would like to thank Yoyolast since he has made ranks I - III for the Israeli tree, the amount of research he did in his work is impressive. Since information about early Israeli equipment is almost non-existent, and I doubt that I will ever be able to do as much research as he did. Here's the link to his suggestion on War Thunder forum.

Also I'd like to thank the people from Shiryon Archive Discord Server for their help with the research, especially Ofekk213 and Chilean_Thunder .

The ranks VIII - X were taken insparation from u/VALOR7281 's post on Reddit at r/WarThunder.

______  Description __

The Israeli Air Force from 1948 to this day is the concept of expanding the Israeli tree in two directions from rank IV to reserve aircraft (rank I), which can be implemented in the near future and from rank VIII to X, which shows the potential of the tree for the distant future, as our game is constantly expanding to more modern days with the recent addition of rank VIII to the game.

The tree retains the three-line structure, as it is now in the game. 


Changes to existing aircraft in the game are:


Total amount of vehicles: 76 ( 50 new )

Researchabe - 57 ( 36 new ), Premium - 13 ( 9 new ), Event - 5 ( 4 new ), Squadroon - 1 ( 1 new ).


Folowing is the list of the new aircraft:

Rank I (researcable):

Rank I (Premium/Event):

Rank II (researcable):

Rank II (Premium):


Rank III (researcable):

Rank III (Premium):


Rank IV (researcable):

Rank IV (Premium):


Rank V (researchable):

Rank V (Premium):


Rank VI (Researcable):

Rank VI (Premium/Event):


Rank VII (Researchable):

Rank VII (Premium/Squdroon):


Rank VIII (Researchable):

Rank VIII (Premium/Event):


Rank IX (Researchable):

Rank IX (Premium):


Rank X (Researchable):


Changelog V1.2 ( September 8th, 2023 ): 

Rank I
AT-6 Harvard (1948) 1.0
AT-6 Harvard (1956) 1.0
Dragon Rapide 1.0 ,
Hudson Mk.IVA 1.7 ,
Bonanza Model 35 1.0
201 Arava 1.7
Rank II
Sakeen (Early) 3.3
Sakeen 3.3
Beaufighter TF Mk.X 3.0
Sakeen "D.108" 3.3
Rank III
Mosquito NF Mk.30 (AN/APS-4) 4.0
Spitfire Mk.IXc 4.3
Mosquito FB Mk.VI 3.7
B-17G (1948) 4.0 ,
Sea Mosquito TR Mk.33 3.7
Rank IV
Spitfire Mk.IX (CW) 5.7
P-51D-20-NA 4.3
B-17G (1956) 5.3 ,
F-6K-15-NT 4.3
Spitfire LF Mk.IXe Ezer Weizman"s 5.7
Rank V
Meteor NF.13 7.7
Meteor F.8 8.0
CM.170 Magister 6.7
M.D.450B Ouragan 7.7
MiG-17F 9.0
Rank VI
Mystere IVA 8.7
Sambad 9.0
A-4H 8.3
Ayit 9.3
Vautour IIA 9.0 ,
F-84F 8.3
A-4E 8.7
CL-13B Mk.6 9.3
MiG-21F-13 "007" 9.3
M-346 Lavi 9.7
Rank VII
Shahak 10.0
Lavi B-1 11.7
Kurnass 11.0
F-4-2000 11.7
Nesher 10.0
Kfir Gderot 10.7
Kfir C.2 11.0
Lavi B-2 11.7
F-5E Plus (P) 11.3
MiG-21-2000 11.7
F-16A-10 Netz 12.0
F-16C-30 Barak I 12.3
F-15A Baz 12.0
F-15C Akef 12.3
F-5E Tiger III Plus 12.7
Kfir C.12 12.7
Kfir 2000 12.7
Rank IX
F-16C-40 Barak II 13.3
F-16I Sufa 13.7
F-15C Bazmash 13.3
F-15IA Ra'amash 14.0
F-15I Ra'am 13.7
F-16B 4X-ACE 13.0
Rank X
F-35I Adir 14.7